Azure DevOps - Cloning and updating all Git repositories

If you have a lot of repositories in your Azure DevOps team, you need an easy way to clone and/or update your local Git repositories.

You first need to install the Az-cli available at:

Once installed, please run the following in a console:
az extension add --name azure-devops

You also need to login, just once. Run the following in a console:
az login

Create the following files:

Replace C:\YourWorkFolder with the root folder of all your repos.
Replace XXXXXXXXXX with the name of your organisation and project.

For example:
az devops configure --defaults project=TestProject
az devops configure --defaults organization=

Run the sync.cmd file, and that is it. It will clone new repos if you don't already have them, and will update your repos if you already have some.

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