Recursive CTE (Common Table Expression)
There is sometimes a problem of wanting to remove data (email addresses in this example) from within a string which are delimited.
For example, if you want to remove all non bybox email addresses from ";;"
and do this for every table, without having to create functions to break apart the string first, how are you going to do it?
Here's how:
Our example table looks like this
Insert some test data
Next is the recursive CTE SQL is in several sections:
This returns the following results:
For example, if you want to remove all non bybox email addresses from ";;"
and do this for every table, without having to create functions to break apart the string first, how are you going to do it?
Here's how:
Our example table looks like this
CREATE TABLE data_export ( data_export_id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, email_address VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL -- ... Other fields left out for brevity )
Insert some test data
INSERT INTO data_export (email_address) VALUES (';;'), (';'), (';'), (''), ('')
Next is the recursive CTE SQL is in several sections:
- split_by_delimeter - Breaking apart the string by delimeters.
- just_bybox - Keep the @bybox emaill addresses.
- distrinct_set - The ID's we want to update.
- STUFF - The rebuild section is the final select/update statement which containst the STUFF keyword.
;WITH split_by_delimeter AS ( SELECT data_export_id, email_address, CHARINDEX(';', email_address + ';') AS n, CAST('' AS VARCHAR(255)) AS result FROM data_export UNION ALL SELECT data_export_id, SUBSTRING(email_address,CHARINDEX(';',email_address)+1, 255), CHARINDEX(';', email_address), LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTRING(email_address, 0, CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(';', email_address) = 0 THEN 255 ELSE CHARINDEX(';', email_address) END))) FROM split_by_delimeter WHERE n > 0 ), just_bybox AS ( SELECT data_export_id, result FROM split_by_delimeter WHERE result <> '' AND result LIKE '%@bybox%' ), distinct_set AS ( SELECT DISTINCT data_export_id FROM just_bybox ) -- For checking SELECT data_export_id, STUFF(( SELECT ';' + result FROM just_bybox y WHERE y.data_export_id= x.data_export_id FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, '') AS email_address FROM distinct_set x /* -- For actual update UPDATE data_export SET email_address = STUFF(( SELECT ';' + result FROM just_bybox y WHERE y.data_export_id= x.data_export_id FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, '') FROM distinct_set x JOIN data_export ON data_export.data_export_id = x.data_export_id */
This returns the following results:
data_export_id | email_address |
1 |; |
2 | |
3 | |
5 | |