EntityFramework Reverse POCO Code First Generator

Reverse engineers an existing database and generates EntityFramework Code First POCO classes, Configuration mappings and DbContext.

To install and use this project:

  • Use Nuget and install EntityFramework.
  • Add a connect string to your app.config. Somethine like:
  • In Visual Studio, right click project and select "add - new item".
  • Select Online, and search for "reverse poco". Or you can download it from this page.
  • Select "EntityFramework Reverse POCO Code First Generator".
  • Give the file a name, such as Database.tt and click Add.
  • Edit the Database.tt file and specify the connection string as MyDbContext which matches your name in app.config.
  • Save the Database.tt file, which will now generate the Database.cs file.

To see a video, head over to http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/ee4fcff9-0c4c-4179-afd9-7a2fb90f5838

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