EntityFramework Reverse POCO Code First Generator
Reverse engineers an existing database and generates EntityFramework Code First POCO classes, Configuration mappings and DbContext. To install and use this project: Use Nuget and install EntityFramework. Add a connect string to your app.config. Somethine like: In Visual Studio, right click project and select "add - new item". Select Online, and search for "reverse poco". Or you can download it from this page. Select "EntityFramework Reverse POCO Code First Generator". Give the file a name, such as Database.tt and click Add. Edit the Database.tt file and specify the connection string as MyDbContext which matches your name in app.config. Save the Database.tt file, which will now generate the Database.cs file. To see a video, head over to http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/ee4fcff9-0c4c-4179-afd9-7a2fb90f5838