Surprising SQL speed increase - Part 2
Part 1 is availble below
More generally speaking, you should never use a function on the LEFT side of a WHERE clause in a query. If you do, SQL won't use an index--it has to evaluate the function for every row of the table. The goal is to make sure that your where clause is "Sargable"
Some other examples:
Bad: Select ... WHERE isNull(FullName,'') = 'Ed Jones'
Fixed: Select ... WHERE ((FullName = 'Ed Jones') OR (FullName IS NULL))Bad: Select ... WHERE SUBSTRING(DealerName,4) = 'Ford'
Fixed: Select ... WHERE DealerName Like 'Ford%'Bad: Select ... WHERE DateDiff(mm,OrderDate,GetDate()) >= 30
Fixed: Select ... WHERE OrderDate < DateAdd(mm,-30,GetDate())
Bad: Select ... WHERE Year(OrderDate) = 2003
Fixed: Select ... WHERE OrderDate >= '2003-1-1' AND OrderDate < '2004-1-1'