
Showing posts from November, 2013

Entityframework reverse POCO generator V2.1 released

Whats new in v2.1.0: Fixed bug if default constraint was not in expected format. Thanks to Filipe Fujiy . Now detects name clashes with C# keywords. Added "System." to DateTime.Now(), etc to prevent clashes with table field names. "Configuration" class names are now configurable as "Mapping", "Map", etc. Added support for Spatial.DbGeometry and Spatial.DbGeography. Thanks to  Simply Foolish and Jorge Bustos . Can now have custom collection type for Navigation Properties. "ObservableCollection" for example. Thanks to  Simply Foolish . Watch the video and Download at  visualstudiogallery

NServiceBus and encrypting strings in messages, plus how to remove NServiceBus from your messages library

Summary There are a few blog posts about using NServiceBus and encrypting strings using the WireEncryptedString type. However, you can also mark an ordinary string to be encrypted via configuration, which is more desirable as you can remove the dependancy from NServiceBus from your common Messages library. There is a gotcha though, if you ever mix the two, then WireEncryptedString go back to being unencrypted in MSMQ. This blog post explains how to easily fix this, and also how to remove NServiceBus from your Messages library. Win Win. Source code is avilable here . Compiling the project will automatically download packages via NuGet. Initial project setup Always have a separate Messages project to keep your messages in. In this example, the project is called Messages and contains the following class: using   NServiceBus ; namespace   Messages {      public   class   MyMessage  :  IMessage     { ...

What's new roundup for EntityFramework Reverse POCO Code First Generator

Whats in the next version: Fixed bug if default constraint was not in expected format. Thanks to Filipe Fujiy . Whats new in v2.0: Fixed issue when running 'Transform All T4 Templates' from Visual Studio Build Menu. Thanks to JRoselle . Changing mappings during runtime is not possible/expensive. A specific DbModelBuilder can be used for each needed database schema. Thanks to meixger . Added ability to detect and use .IsRowVersion(). Added many-to-many mappings. The generated code now includes calls to .Map(). Therefore the generated code will be different to what you had previously in v1 if you have many-to-many table mappings in your database. Hence the revision change to v2.0.0 as I'm using semantic versioning . Whats new in v1.12: VARBINARY(MAX) is now correctly assigned to byte[]. Thanks to Luke91577 . Extending partial class support. Allow specification of file extension for partial classes (i.e. ".generated.cs"). Thanks to AB_dreeve . ...